I Want Two Lives!

Today I rail at the world. I feel like a toddler, kicking and screaming at the fact that I cannot simply sit here at this keyboard and empty all of my thoughts onto paper. There are other things that I have to do. I do not want to do them. I want to write.

The original title of this blog was ‘Fuck Work!’ But that was not accurate. I love my daily life and work. It brings me enormous satisfaction. The problem is that this, writing, is what I prefer to do. This is what feeds my soul, and there isn’t time enough for both.

Once upon a time, I was in graduate school. That was one of the most amazing times of my life. I had a little apartment all to myself. No roommates, a few friends. Stacks of research around me. Notes, ideas, books. It was me and my mind. It was amazing!

Today, I would give so much to return to that space.



Publish or Perish


On learning to meet my need to write